Global Indicators are also known as GI and are used to describe the direction of the journey or travel. The global indicators are important as the fares will not only differ by class of service, fare type but also where they are travelling from and are represented by GI or global indicators.
To cite an example fare in an economy class or a Y class from Seattle to Fukuoka through the Atlantic will be higher and the passenger would save money if he/she decides to travel through the pacific. One needs to know the routing of the fare to make a correct fare.
There are twelve global indicators on which airlines can be used.
This journey is within the AREA 1 or TC1. The fare components/sectors are totally situated within the Western Hemisphere. Example is Los Angeles to Las Vegas.
This journey is within the area 2 and area 3 and is via eastern hemisphere (barring TS/RU/FE). This will be between area 2 or within area 3. It would be TC2 or TC3. Example of such a journey is Delhi Dubai London.
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Atlantic Journey is known, as TC12 that is journey is between the area 1, area 2 and area 3, which is passing through the Atlantic except the south Atlantic.
The journey or the fare components are lying between area 1 and area 3 and the crossing or travel is via the Pacific Ocean barring the North Pacific. Example of such a journey is Los Angeles Melbourne Delhi
This journey only crosses the pacific. The journey will be between Area 1 to Area 3 or between Area 3 to Area 1 and travel will be to or from South America via North America.
TC123 the journey is between Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, South East Asia via the Atlantic and only via point in Central Africa southern Africa, Indian Ocean, Ireland or via direct services. Example of a journey is Buenos Aires Cape Town Jakarta
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This journey involves crossing between the Atlantic and Pacific both. The journey is between the area 2 and the area 3 or area 3 and area 2 via the area 1. The example is Frankfurt, New York, Los Angeles, Melbourne, Hong Kong, and Delhi.
The fare components or sectors lie between Russia (Europe) and Area 3 where condition is the nonstop services between Russia (Europe) and Japan, Korea and not through another country in the European continent.
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The fare components or journey lie between the area 3 and city in Europe via a non-stop flight from any city in Japan (TYO, OSA or NGO) or to or from any city in Europe Or from any city in Europe to Area 3 via a non-stop flight to/from a city in South Korea (SEL or PUS) or via to/from any city in Europe. Example of such a journey is Sydney Hong Kong Tokyo London Manchester or a simpler example would be Frankfurt, Tokyo, and Sydney via Trans-Siberian Route.
It is the fare component or journey between Russia in Europe /Ukraine and Area 3 utilizing a direct or a non-stop service to or from area 3 barring Japan/Korea/Taiwan.
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